Wednesday, November 3, 2010

TruePower U-Socket - Power Outlet With USB Ports

Why didn't I think of this?! Jiminy

That was a loooong nap my friends.

Christmas story mugs!!

Buy three and get a dickie!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

So this is Thursday....and what have we done...

the weeks almost over...and a new one just begun?


Tuesday I took a field trip with my friend Elissa as she took some pictures for school. We drove by my old house and saw another someone taking some photos. Down the road and around a curve or two, we found some horses wearing snuggies! They were eating sticks and poop and kissing. Looked like pretty fun times! There were also two horses racing. One was Scottish we decided because he had a plaid snuggie. I didn't have my camera with me so I took a pic with my phone but it didn't turn out, whatever.

Then when we were done, she stopped by Starbucks and got some kinda delicious drink and a cookie, I got a cookie as well. She then made me try said delicious drink and we had to go to another Starbucks so I could get one. At the second Starbucks, I also thought another cookie for later to share with Amelie sounded good. So I got a chocolate chip one.

Turns out as a joke Starbucks gave me stale banana bread instead.

Cool. Thanks guys. Took a bite, my conclusions not suitable for Amelie as a treat. Bummer.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Here we go!

First Blog...will introduce myself a little I guess.

My name is Phil. I have started designing custom furniture and guitars in my spare time. This is all looking/sounding amazing in my head. Lets see how I do with getting it going.

Lots of the time I've got great intentions that start strong and fizzle as I jump from project to project.

I am very passionate about my work, and think this (Phantom Woodworks)maybe is what I have been waiting for.

We'll see...

So like I said. I am Phil, this will be a blog documenting the process I go through with this learning experience. As well I'm sure I will throw some tid bits about everyday life here for me and mine.

here goes nothing....